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3 Examples On How Performance Support Tools Can Supplement Compliance Courses

December 4, 2015 | By Asha Pandey


Mlearning for all People

One in every six online courses we develop is for compliance. As a result, our focus has consistently been on how to enrich the learning experience for the learners as well as meet the corporate compliance mandate. We pride ourselves in creating compliance courses that truly engage the learners and instill the spirit of “why comply”. Besides engaging learning designs, we have successfully used Performance Support Tools in innovative design formats to supplement and complement several compliance initiatives globally.

How Performance Support Tools Can Supplement Compliance Courses

In this article, I will share 3 examples that illustrate how Performance Support Tools supplement Compliance courses.

Let me begin with a quick recap of what Performance Support Tools (or PSTs) are. Then I will share 3 examples to illustrate how Performance Support Tools can be used to supplement compliance courses. I quote from my article Performance Support Tools: Top 5 Things Your Boss Wants To Know.

What are Performance Support Tools and where exactly do they fit in an organization’s learning strategy?

Performance Support Tools (PSTs) provide employees with on-the-job tools that make their work a lot easier. Unlike training, these tools are available to support and guide employees as they actually do their jobs. These tools are very easy to find, often directly embedded into the learners’ workflow (Learning Hub) and offer active guidance.

These solutions enable organizations to provide the right amount of task guidance, support, and productivity benefits to learners precisely at the moment of need.

How do Performance Support Tools help learners?

Performance Support Tools provide an option for employees to learn and work at the same time. They can help an organization to reduce the cost of training while increasing productivity and performance.

How can you enhance the impact of your compliance initiatives with Performance Support Tools intervention?

I quote again from my article Performance Support Tools: Top 5 Things Your Boss Wants To Know. The real solution lies in creating “learning as a continuum”. A good way to do this is to identify the areas for formal training and use Performance Support Tool intervention to reinforce it shortly after the formal session.

You can then create a “learning path” that has interventions like this during the year. A combination of reinforcement as well as new assets that push application of knowledge on-the-job will help you create a high degree of knowledge recall, retention, and application.

We have successfully integrated Performance Support Tool intervention into compliance mandates by creating a learning path (rather than just the formal training that happens a finite number of times in a year).

Let me share 3 examples that illustrate how we leveraged the power of Performance Support Tools to create awareness or reinforcement of the compliance mandate.

Example 1: Performance Support Tool to reinforce message on conflict management.

  • Innovation: We have used whiteboard animation as the design approach here. The Performance Support Tool is available to learners in their mobile devices (both tablets and smartphones) as well as laptops/desktops.
  • Focus of the Performance Support Tool: This is one of my favorite approaches and the example featured here showcases its effectiveness in complementing a compliance course (on conflict management). Simple illustrations (that use real-life scenarios) and concise audio drive the message very effectively. The Performance Support Tool outlines that conflicts always exist and outlines how you can recognize them and ascertain ways and means to mitigate them.


Example 2: Performance Support Tool as a prequel to a compliance course – to create awareness on whistleblowing.

  • Innovation: We have used an Adobe After Effects-based design approach here. The Performance Support Tool is available to learners in their mobile devices (both tablets and smartphones) as well as laptops/desktops.
  • Focus of the Performance Support Tool: Often, whistleblowing is perceived to be negative but as we all know, when this is done in good faith, it is the right approach. To meet this precise challenge, we designed this Performance Support Tool as a prequel to the main eLearning course. It helps learners understand the value of the whistleblowing concept and uses a scenario to reinforce when learner action is necessary.


Example 3: Performance Support Tool to reinforce best practices on Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE).

  • Innovation: We have used a combination of animations, subtle music and typography to highlight the message. The Performance Support Tool is available to learners in their mobile devices (both tablets and smartphones) as well as laptops/desktops.
  • Focus of the Performance Support Tool: This Performance Support Tool supplements the primary eLearning course and provides a recap of the best practices pertaining to Health, Safety, and Environment aspects. It also features a scenario to reinforce the required learner action.

EI Performance Support Tools 6

You can also refer to my earlier article 5 Innovative examples to boost your workforce performance with Performance Support Tools (PSTs) where I have shared the first two examples showcased here. The article also has three other innovative formats of Performance Support Tool that can also be used to supplement compliance courses.

I hope you will find the article and the featured examples useful in creating an effective compliance roll-out for your organization. If you need any specific support on how you can enrich the compliance courses, do contact me.

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