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5 Approaches to Consider While Transitioning from ILT to Fully Self-paced Virtual Training

June 10, 2020 | By Asha Pandey


On account of the ongoing pandemic, employers are responding by changing their work paradigms to embrace greater work-from-home models. As a result, the L&D teams need to deliver all their training programs remotely.

In the context of this new reality, where physical distance between learners and instructors is the hallmark, Virtual Training offers the ideal solution.

In this Infographic, we showcase 5 approaches to consider while transitioning from ILT to fully self-paced Virtual Training.


5 Approaches to Consider While Transitioning from ILT to Fully Self-paced Virtual Training


The journey from ILT to VILT is way more than just putting the existing trainer PowerPoint decks online. Only a well-thought-out transition plan will resonate with your learners and help you achieve your terminal learning objectives. We hope this Infographic will help you achieve your transition from ILT to fully Self-paced Virtual Training.

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