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In recent years, organizations have started using multiple software applications within each department. It becomes complex for employees to master multiple applications, which only increases with the number of functions, features, and shortcuts that each application has. The best way to mastery is to practice using the application in a simulated environment, which can be achieved with Application Simulations Training.
Application simulations are process-oriented, no matter how complex a software’s features may be. EI uses the following elements to craft effective application simulations:
Demo Mode:
Learners are shown a video of the process/ use case in the software.
Practice Mode:
After viewing the demo, learners go through a guided practice by following step-by-step prompts on screen.
Test Mode:
After the guided practice, learners are tested on what they learned in the demo and practice mode. This is without guided prompts, and is scored.
Read More Mode:
Learners are provided with PDFs as quick reference guides.
For application training, companies traditionally relied on live sessions with a limited pool of experts/facilitators. With EI’s expertise, your employees will understand each application to the required depth, with instruction geared to meet them where they are.
We have successfully delivered several hundred hours of high-impact Application Simulations – whether it is for new application rollouts or upgrades to existing ones. The ROI has been significantly higher in mass implementation scenarios spanning several geographies due to the scalability of the solutions.
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