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L&D teams usually focus on providing and developing formal training for their employees. However, traditional or formal training lacks the efficacy required for effective behavioral change since it focuses primarily on discrete or distinct events. As a result, the gap between what L&D teams offer and how much employees learn continues to increase.
When organizations foster a learning culture, employees have the courage and ability to seek continuous improvement on the job. This will enable them to use Informal Learning for practice, collaboration, and learning on the job, moving toward mastery.
To assist L&D teams identify the various kinds of content employees would prefer.
To provide a platform where learners can curate and share their own learning materials and insights.
L&D teams can utilize the information shared by learners to refine and standardize training programs.
To build the confidence and competence required to actively pursue continual improvement on the job.
L&D teams can leverage Informal Learning to create a healthy learning ecosystem and corporate culture.
We help foster a culture of learning by developing a learning environment based on mastery, autonomy, and purpose.
We help in creating a Digital Social Learning space where – employees ask questions, give feedback, and curate content and ideas. 
We create pre-course preparation materials like Interactive PDFs that summarize the foundational information required for formal courses.
We identify digital learning solutions and facilitate access to tools, such as online learning libraries and industry journals.
We facilitate the creation of virtual book clubs.
We recommend the support of short-term coaching relationships for training participants.
We facilitate interactions by initiating small groups and one-on-one virtual interactions.
How a Disaster Management Services Provider Digitized Their Process Training Program into an Interactive eLearning Course
How a Manufacturing Company Improved Workforce Efficiency and Cost Savings with a Learning in the Moment of Need Solution