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Strong leadership creates high-performing teams that, in turn, generate the required business results. 71% organizations say their leaders are not ready to lead for the future (State of Leadership Development Report, Brandon Hall Group). Leadership development and succession planning are at the core of organizational development and structured growth. Organizations need to rethink how they develop their leaders, especially in today’s distributed work environment.
They should have:
Well-crafted Leadership Trainings help organizations create the right leadership talent and create more engaged, productive, and highly motivated teams that are aligned to business goals. Our leadership development initiatives create leaders across levels who demonstrate confidence, competence, and create and lead high-performing teams.
To succeed, leaders must have the correct combination across a variety of competencies, whether they are produced within your organization or hired to fill an available post. In-demand leadership abilities have altered along with the nature of work itself. According to a study, the challenges of today call for abilities like leading transformation, emotional intelligence, and managing virtual teams.
Irrespective of the level of the Leadership Training, the following techniques help deliver the required impact and a better ROI:
Litmus Consulting Framework:
We advise and consult on how you can drive effective Leadership Training using a TNA and LNA based approach and then measure and prove impact.
Flexibility of Mobile Learning:
Enable learners to consume training content and additional resources on the go, on the device of their choice, and at the pace they want to learn.
Power of Microlearning:
Provide bite-sized, focused, and action-oriented trainings to meet a small outcome.
Customization of Personalized Learning:
Combine Mobile Learning and Microlearning to offer highly customized learning paths for each level. Pre-test/Survey/Questionnaire and diagnostic feedback may become effective add-ons.
Self-paced, On-demand Learning:
Learners take control of their learning strategy and fit it into their calendars as they see fit.
DEI Training:
Add DEI as part of the Leadership Training curriculum to develop more inclusive leaders and manage diverse teams.
Creating Leadership Training with a Different Flavor – A Solution to Improve Leaders’ Reaction to Change
Empowering New Managers of a Global Banking Giant to Transition to New Responsibilities by Enabling Learning in Their Workflow