eBook Video Based Learning for Corporate Training—16 Examples—Including Interactive & Microlearning Videos

Welcome to an in-depth exploration of Video Based Learning for corporate training with our latest eBook, “Video Based Learning for Corporate Training—16 Examples—Including Interactive & Microlearning Videos.” This eBook is crafted for corporate training professionals looking to leverage the power of videos to enhance learning experiences and outcomes.

eBook Overview

  • Understand the growing significance of videos as a medium for learning, supported by compelling statistics from Cisco, Gartner Research, HubSpot, and Forrester Research.
  • Explore why videos are a high-impact medium that creates engaging learning experiences with high recall and retention.
  • Discover how the wider usage of Mobile Learning and Microlearning is driving the increase in Video Based Learning.
  • Gain insights on how Microlearning Videos can create high-impact training and why they are becoming increasingly popular.
  • Dive into various formats that can be used to provide Video Based Learning, featuring 10 examples.
  • Learn the key strategies and practices to incorporate when creating Microlearning Videos to ensure their effectiveness.

Embark on this journey to effectively use Video Based Learning for corporate training and maximize its potential with our comprehensive guide.

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