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75% of employees are more likely to watch a video than to read documents, emails, or web articles. – Forrester Research
Videos can improve people’s ability to remember concepts and details — with effects that increase over time. Considering the short attention span of the modern multi-generational learner, Microlearning videos will continue to be the key to provide a multi-sensory learning experience that improves knowledge retention, enables application, provides widely accessible content, and on-demand learning.
Our Video Based Learning (VBL) solutions help play a key role in workplace learning, as employees are constantly expected to gain new skills to stay relevant:
L&D professionals need to address a wide range of training requirements to support a multi-faceted corporate training program. EI uses VBL across the learning journey to create awareness, support crucial change management initiatives, drive Formal Training (online), enhance Performance Support (Learning aids/job aids to support formal training), encourage Social Learning, and support Instructor-Led Training (ILT).
Creating learning journeys:
Continuous learning journey for skills enhancement or new skills development.
Leveraging Microlearning videos:
For concise and targeted learning and point-of-need training/post-training support resources.
Integrating scenarios and branching into videos:
For realistic learning experiences, checkpoints, and safe environment to practice.
Augmenting learning experiences:
Enhancing learning approaches like Gamification, Scenario Based Learning, and Microlearning.
Help create a Learning and Performance Continuum:
For concise and targeted learning and point-of-need training/post-training support resources.
Leverage the power of Storytelling:
Improving engagement, fostering team building, and increasing cooperation among cross-functional teams.
Micro-module based Scenario and Simulation Videos are exceptional in delivering “mock training” to digital learners in a safe (behind a screen) environment.
Moment-of-need videos are great to provide reinforcement training as and when employees need it. These include Lesson summaries, “How To,” “FAQ,” “Watch and Learn,” and “Key Take-aways” type videos.
Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) videos spliced as Microlearning Videos work phenomenally well for formal eLearning courses.
Teaser videos can be used to generate awareness, spark curiosity, and create excitement about eLearning programs.
Practice and apply forms of videos are great as supplemental exercises, drills, and simulations.
Reinforcement videos serve as great review and reinforcement tools and act as excellent job aids to bridge the “Forgetting Curve.”
Make your videos accessibility-compliant from a content and design perspective and cater to an inclusive audience.
Learner-generated videos are good resources to foster Informal Learning.
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